Health and Wellness group

The Health and Wellness Group is a program that brings together individuals who are 18 years and older and living with a mental illness. Funded by the Mental Health Commission (MHC) and NDIS, the program focuses on promoting health and wellbeing through community engagement and activities. The group meets once a week to participate in activities that promote physical and mental wellness, such as outdoor exploration, community events, mini golf, fishing, gardening, and local area excursions.

Eligibility Criteria ā€“ To participate in the program, individuals must have an NDIS or MHC plan. If you meet this requirement, you can reach out to BOICO and the team will assist you in getting involved.

Goals ā€“ The goals of the program are to promote community engagement, inclusion, and a focus on overall health and wellbeing. Participants are encouraged to participate consistently in the group’s activities.

Benefits ā€“ The Health and Wellness Group provides several benefits, including promoting physical and mental wellbeing through outdoor activities, offering a supportive community where individuals can relate to each other, and focusing on different aspects of health.